A City Less Grey: Public Art Commissions
What happens when an artist articulates the conversations and cultures of communities? What cultural shifts happen when people take pride in their public spaces? How does a visitor discover a city through its art and its artists? What role do artists play in the renovation and shaping of cities?
At a time when the city is creating a case to be Capital of Culture, collaborating to write its first, co-produced Cultural Strategy and employing more people in the creative industries than it ever has, this project aims to reflect the vibrancy of a growing, multicultural hub by bringing colour, curiosity and interest to the streets of Leeds. These commissions invite local, national and international artists to propose works that reflect the city and its people in an exciting and visual way, adding to the public art Leeds has to offer. The deadline for submissions is Monday 12 September 2016.
Kirkgate Commission: Since becoming residents of Kirkgate with the opening of Art Hostel in 2016, East Street Arts has further questioned how artists can proactively and positively be involved in the reinvention and preservation of public space. This commission is for local artists who want to create a bespoke piece for the oldest street in Leeds. ESA are inviting proposals for works that celebrate the vibrant and diverse multiculturalism that exists in Leeds. The work might involve paint, collage, sculpture, text-based work, ceramics, photography or textiles. Proposals are welcomed that include an element of community participation, though this is not essential. They are looking to commission 3 artists or small collectives who are local to Leeds. The artists will be chosen by representatives from East Street Arts, LeedsBID and Leeds City Council Regeneration Team. Each artist/collective involved will be offered a fee of £800. The site for this commission is the hoarding in front of First White Cloth Hall on Kirkgate. This is the oldest street in Leeds, currently undergoing regeneration. It is situated on a busy bus route, alongside local, independent businesses such as Art Hostel, Fred Aldous, Art Official, Wepentake, Oddfellows Tattoo Parlour and several restaurants. Find out more and apply here.
City Wide Commission: For the city wide commission East Street Arts are inviting proposals for 2D works that celebrate the vibrant and diverse multiculturalism that exists in Leeds. The work might involve paint, East Street Arts are looking for thoughtful and striking proposals that are influenced by and representative of the city of Leeds and the diverse range of people that live here. You might choose to reference the city’s architecture, industrial history or particular communities. ESA are seeking to commission 4 artists: Two from the Leeds area and two from outside Leeds (national or international). The artists will be chosen by representatives from both East Street Arts and LeedsBID. The budget for each commission is £7,500: This is to include artist fee, materials, installation and travel. The length of time that the works can stay will vary for each site, but will be no less than a year.
ESA are in the process of securing a range of city-centre sites within the LeedsBID area The sites in discussion include hoardings, brick walls, plastered surfaces and railway arches. If your work requires a particular type of site, please let them know in your proposal. Find out more and apply here. Image Credit: Nathan Evans’ ‘Hello & Welcome To Leeds’ mural.
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