* AIR *

Instigate Arts - What Is She Wearing
To celebrate International Women’s Day and to launch the fantastic 2016 Wonder Women programme of events, Instigate Arts take an intersectional exploration of the aesthetics of protest and consider how clothing and style is used to shape, define and own gender, sexuality and identity.
From the Suffragettes to Red Lipstick Day, the Slut Walks and Pussy Riots to butch and drag, women have long utilised that which is used to restrict them; to strive for freedom and an identity on their own terms. Manchester’s 2016 International Women’s Day theme is ‘Women’s Voices’, and through an evening of intersectional feminist art, performance, film, interventions and debate we’ll explore how women have used style to speak volumes, and to see what liberation and liability can come from sartorial expressions of identity.
On Thursday 3 March, between 5.30 and 8pm at Manchester Art Gallery, audiences are invited to explore the issues for themselves by touring the new contemporary exhibition that Instigate Arts have installed within the permanent collection, and via interactive arts & artist discussions that will be occurring throughout the evening. Live performances and interventions begin at 6pm and are scheduled all evening throughout the gallery.
Participating artists:
Charlie Craggs
[DWAN] Digital Women’s Archive North
Saffa Khan
Naomi M
Helen Mather
Emily Pitts
Jennifer Reid
Rosanne Robertson
Layla Sailor
Stirred Poetry
Harriet Williamson
Louise Woodcock
By giving self-identified women a voice in the context of Manchester Art Gallery Instigate Arts aim to encourage discussion and explore the intersectional issues around women, identity, clothing and style.
This event is free of charge and all attendants are encouraged to dress to express/protest!
There will be a souvenir pamphlet available to purchase by cash only on the night, archiving the work by all participating artists and with a percentage of the proceeds going to Rape Crisis and Oxfam.
Thursday 3rd March, 2016, 5.30-8pm with performances starting at 6pm.

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