Sketchpad Artist: DR ME
DR.ME is a design studio consisting of Mark Edwards (ME) and Ryan Doyle (DR), they have produced a cover for our A4 53gsm Typo sketchpad. We caught up with them to find out about their design practice and their work.
Tell us a bit about the idea behind your sketchbook cover?
It’s a psychedelic remix of one of the pieces from our ‘365 Days of Collage’ pieces, more of which can be read about here.
How did you get involved with Outhouse?
We were asked to paint one of the outhouses a couple of years ago which was a lot of fun if a touch chilly!
How would you describe your work?
Our work is often realised through collage, be this psychedelic pattern based abstractions, surrealist landscapes through to redacted painterly photomontages.
What inspires you?
ME: Consistently inspiration comes from being surrounded by a great group of friends who make incredible work that varies from illustration to prop making, design to painting. I always find it hugely important to get away from what you know and see something different. Inspiration is all about limits, it is limitless in the amount of places it can be found but the amount of times you can return to that place to find it are limited. DR: Travel for me is very important.
Who is your favourite artist or maker?
ME: I could talk about Bridget Riley, Ellsworth Kelly, Gerhart Richter, Anni and Joseph Albers, Theo Van Doesburg et al forever but on a day to day basis I’m inspired by the people I’m honoured to call my friends.
What materials do you use?
Paper, ink, scalpels, old magazines, found materials, spray mount, paint, apple mac...
What is your favourite piece of work that you have made?
ME: Always the next thing. In particular, the compendium book we have written about how collage is used in a design called ‘CUT THAT OUT’ which is to be published in September by Thames & Hudson in the UK and Monacelli Press in America. DR: Same for me although I really liked the large collages we made for our "Choice Cuts" exbo at HOME earlier this year.
What exhibition or art event have you been to recently that you think is worth shouting about and why?
ME: I went to a talk by John Stezaker at Whitworth Art Gallery recently that was fantastic, he’s a real hero of mine so to see him talk about his work and life was fascinating.
Do you have any advice for artists starting out?
ME: Make the work you want to make, work hard at it, believe in yourself, get a studio, eat healthy, exercise, have fun, listen to advice, listen to great records, allow yourself to be inspired, inspire others, ask advice, surround yourself with great people, help others, read books, watch films, visit exhibitions, engage with local and international culture, get a website, use twitter/instagram etc in an interesting way that makes people sit up and take notice of you and your work (no coffee, cats or food, c'mon!), experiment, keep a sketchpad and keep it, if you’re ever struggling then spend some time watching these great Q&A webcasts by our pal James Victore — even better you should write him!
What tip would you give to people about one of our products?
The Swann-Morton scalpels are never far from our desks.
Where can people see your work?
http://www.dr-me.com we also have a twitter: @DRME_Studio and an Instagram: @DRME_Studio
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