Sketchpad Artist: Used Pencil
Used Pencil is one of the twenty Outhouse artists who have produced a limited edition sketchpad cover for us. He has produced a cover for our A3 110gsm Cartridge Pad. We spoke to him about the cover and his work.
Tell us a bit about the idea behind your sketchbook cover?
I like to create my own narrative through my illustrations and sometimes the story develops whilst I'm sketching. For this story, A mythological sea creature, sad at the current state of his habitat and lack of belief in himself. He cries whilst he scribes new tales of a future self, pushing forward his voyage of self-discovery.
How did you get involved with Outhouse?
I lived in Manchester a while ago and after relocating to Hong Kong I was lucky enough to be invited to paint for the Outhouse crew back in 2014, I painted a huge Pencil in Stevenson Square and I'm assuming they liked it because they asked to create a sketchbook cover.
How would you describe your work?
My work can run free with different ideas daily but sometimes its nice to round them up and sit on them like eggs until they are ready to explore the world all by themselves. I like to create things that people can look at with wonder, my work is a web of layers that takes the viewer on a journey. Recently my illustrations have been coming alive on paper, street walls, wood, metal and anything that helps enhance their story.
What inspires you?
I'm inspired by nature, sex and death but it doesn't take much to get my juices flowing, hand me a piece of old cheese and I would get creative.
Who is your favourite artist or maker?
I've always been a big fan of Jeff Soto and Captain Beafheart respectively. Jeff creatives lovely stories in his dark yet comic scenes, fantasy meets comic and he also paints great murals. The Captain is a truly unique creator, his humour and unique ways of rediscovering art has me hanging on his every word. His music and art has inspired me for quite some time.
What materials do you use?
I will use whatever it takes to create the best outcome, I've learnt that a good artist has no limitations and never says no. Whilst in Hong Kong I have been creating a lot of murals and street art using spray paint and acrylic but everything starts at the desk with pencil and paper. It always depends on the surface and project.
What is your favourite piece of work that you have made?
That's a tough one, I have really enjoyed recent commissions for Vans and Converse that were playful and expressive but I enjoyed making these two pieces even more. I used found objects that I had obtained whilst living in Hong Kong to create something unique for a group show at Above Second Gallery. I researched Dante's Inferno to create pieces that were self reflective with underlining social commentary.
What exhibition or art event have you been to recently that you think is worth shouting about and why?
I'm lucky enough to be involved in the HK art scene and it's really been growing over the years, we have just had Art Basel as well as lots of other Art festivals over March (Art month). A recent Vhils show called 'debris' was great as well as the growing HKwalls festival, it's my third year being involved so I'd give them a shout out, check out their stuff at www.hkwalls.org.
Do you have any advice for artists starting out?
Keep going, keep trying new things and don't let people put you off. Art is a way of life and if you love it then you will succeed in your own way.
What tip would you give to people about one of our products?
Use it or look at it with an open mind.
Where can people see your work? Do you have a website?
I have works in and around the streets and also digital prints, you can check them all out on www.usedpencil.com or @usedpencilartist on Instagram.
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