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Waterside Open 2016
Waterside Open 2016 is calling out for entries from established and emerging artists, designers and makers from the North West and across the UK. The open will showcase a wide range of high quality and contemporary art, craft and design. Work can be submitted in any medium except live art. This includes 2D and 3D visual arts, textiles, crafts, furniture, photography, print, installation, sculpture and digital media.

To download and print an Open 2016 Entry Form click here.
To download and print the Open 2016 T&C's click here.
Friday 11 March 4-7pm
Saturday 12 March 10am – 4pm
Sunday 13 March 12 – 3pm
PRIZES & AWARDS A variety of prizes will be awarded and prize-winners will be announced at a special preview event on Friday 1 April at Waterside Arts Centre. There will also be a group exhibition for the 2016 winners at Waterside Arts Centre in 2017. Visitors to the exhibition will also have a chance to vote for their favourite piece of artwork in the Visitors Choice Award. SELECTORS Stella Corrall (Artist and Creative Director of Lucentia) Stella works predominately with plastics creating bespoke site-specific artworks and installations to enhance public environments. Lucentia Design offers services in a mix of mediums, designing and managing projects across the corporate, leisure, retail and healthcare sectors. Jane Dzisiewski (Jewellery Designer Maker & Social Media Consultant) Jane makes contemporary statement jewellery using resin and precious metals and utilising textile techniques. She combines traditional methods and craftsmanship with new technology and material sciences. See her work here. Kwong Lee (Director of Castlefield Gallery) Castlefield Gallery has built up its national profile as a curated gallery space and artist development agency over the past 30 years. In December 2012 they launched their CG Associates membership scheme for artists and independent curators and writers. Visit the website for more information.
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